Clearing Requirements

Sometimes you need or want to clear out some requirements.

Requirement Dialog

The creators of the game have been known to change their "static" platoon requirements after telling everyone what they would be. If this is the case and EchoBase is wrong about a single requirement, you might want to clear out that one until you know what it should be instead. This is most easily done with the Requirement Dialog.

Platoon/Squadron clear

Oops, did you upload a screenshot to the wrong platoon on accident? Click the trash can icon in the top-right corner of that platoon or squadron to erase all the requirements in that single platoon or squadron.

Mission clear

On the far right-hand side of the mission header, there is a trash can icon that will allow you to clear the requirements for that mission. This will make the progress bar go back to 0.

This will erase all requirements for the entire mission. Make sure that is what you want to do before doing it.

Last updated