TB Platoon Assigner
The TB Platoon Assigner is the most popular tool on EchoBase. Prepare to relax during your next TB.
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The TB Platoon Assigner is the most popular tool on EchoBase. Prepare to relax during your next TB.
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Achieve maximum platoon efficiency with this tool. After you enter in your guild's unique platoon requirements, the guild's entire roster will be read and sorted according to your chosen assignment algorithm, guaranteeing that the most efficient donations can be made to fill the requirements.
For EchoStation bot users, assignments can be sent directly to guild members in their own private message.
A short list of features can be found below:
Assignments can be posted publicly in Discord, or sent directly to the player (requires EchoStation bot).
Opt-in to @mentions so that guild members can be tagged with their assignments.
Grouping Rules allow guild officers to define conditional preferences for assignments, such as "if someone is assigned {this}, then don't make them give up {that}." Several logic options are available.
EchoStation's command allows guild members to prioritize their own collections, in case they need to save certain toons for combat, for example.
So much more!
This is a visual reminder of which tool you are currently using. It is also a link that will take you back to the landing page for the Platoon Assigner.
This dropdown will allow you to choose between all possible Territory Battles.
This dropdown will allow you to choose between all possible phases of the chosen battle.
Displayed beside each option in the dropdown is the star or relic level requirement for that phase.
This is a flyout menu that can act as a reminder of how you can rapidly fill out your assignments using only your keyboard.
This menu option is not available on smaller screens, due to the likelihood that small mobile devices are not equipped with a keyboard. However, the shortcuts themselves will always work.
Click this link to return to this documentation.
This button will prompt you to confirm all of your settings before creating assignments.
This button will be disabled until 100% of the platoons on the screen are either filled in or ignored. You can use the progress bar inside each mission header to find missing requirements.
New to the TB Platoon Assigner? These are the important things you need to know, and how to learn more about each.
Choose the battle and phase that you would like to run assignments for. This will influence what is shown in the platoon assigner. You should see the complete layout of your chosen phase, including mission labels.
If all platoon requirements are filled, the green Submit button should become accessible. After clicking it, you will be prompted to confirm your settings before the assignments are created and sent to Discord.
If you are using the EchoStation bot, this step is very easy. Simply select a channel in the provided dropdown.
Otherwise, you'll be prompted to enter a Webhook URL. This is the way to submit assignments to Discord without using a bot.
Once a Discord Channel or a Webhook URL is chosen, you can now confirm your settings by clicking the green Submit button at the bottom of the settings window.
If you don't wish assignments to be posted to Discord, you may click the "Preview" button to view the assignments in the webapp only.
After assignments have been posted in Discord, you should receive a success message indicating that it is finished.
You can now go see your platoon assignments!