Squad Builder keywords

Define ahead of time which toons/ships you will want to donate or to keep!


This setting only applies when submitting the TB Platoon Assigner.

Have you ever wanted a way to have some control over the assignments you receive? These two keywords will allow you to influence EchoBase's assignment algorithm to stay away from the toons you don't want to donate, and to favor to the ones that you do:



And, since swgoh.gg's Squad Builder predates ships, you'll need this keyword to tell EchoBase that the pilots you chose are supposed to be translated into their ships:


These keywords are not case-sensitive. ExClUdE will work just fine.

They are also not exclusive, meaning you can have other words in the name as well. See Examples below.

Why use these keywords?

The driving factor for creating this feature is the fact that every toon that is donated to platoons cannot be used in a CM battle. Therefore, this feature is very useful, particularly for the guild members at the top and the bottom of your guild.

Members at the top of your guild will often not be assigned anything phase after phase because their rosters are better than everyone else's. These members also often have plenty of characters to spare for platoon donations. They should set up several contribute squads out of their surplus to help weaker members to not have to donate so much.

Members at the bottom of the guild will often be given a lot of assignments because their rosters are weaker than everyone else's. These members also often don't have a lot of spare characters, and may even be asked to donate from their CM teams. They should set up several exclude squads in order to protect their CM teams as much as possible.


Each guild member who wants to participate in this feature should follow these instructions:

  • Log into swgoh.gg

  • Select Squads > Squad Builder

  • Choose 5 characters (for ship squads, you'll need to choose a corresponding pilot)

  • Save Squad

  • Make sure to include one of these keywords in the name:

    • exclude= DON'T assign these, if possible

    • contribute= ALWAYS assign these, if possible

  • If you are intending for the squad to represent ships, you will need to also add this keyword to the name:

    • ships= use the ships that the pilots in this squad represent

  • Repeat for more squads!

When the assigner runs, it will search every member's profile for these squads, and adjust its assignments accordingly!

Any character not included in one of these Squad Builder squads will be subject to assignment according to the natural assignment process.

Making an exclude squad will not guarantee that the characters in that squad will never be assigned. If the assigner has exhausted all of its options and still needs one of those characters, it will be forced to assign it.

Choosing to use this feature requires scanning each guild member's swgoh.gg profile, which may slow down the assignment process. Be sure at least one guild member has set up one of these Squad Builder squads before opting in so that the extra processing time is not wasted.

There are multiple places to set up squads on swgoh.gg. The only one that will work with EchoBase is described above. No other Squad Builder squads will be scanned.

Setting up too many squads will cause them to overflow onto a second page. EchoBase will not honor squads that have been pushed off of the main profile page.


Here are some examples of valid squads that are shown at the bottom of my swgoh.gg profile.

  • The first is a plain contribute squad. Notice the capital "C" is OK. Characters in this squad will be prioritized first for assignments.

  • In the second squad, the ships represented by each pilot will be assigned first. Both contribute and ships must be in the squad name. The pilots themselves will not be assigned in ground platoons unless they are put into a different squad without the ships keyword.

  • By including the exclude keyword in the third squad, these characters will be pushed to the bottom of the assignment priority list and will only be assigned as a last resort. Also notice that extra words in the squad name will not prevent them from being picked up by the assigner.

  • The fourth squad is an example to show that you can set up multiple squads that have the same keywords. All of these squads will be honored in the assignment process.

Assignment Display

As an indication to the guild that you have chosen to willingly contribute your characters or ships, an asterisk * will be prefixed to the corresponding assignment in the public assignment post. The guild thanks you for your sacrifice (or they should, anyway).

In the case where EchoBase has been forced to assign one of the toons you wanted to exclude, as an indication to the guild that you desire that your toon not have to be donated, the word HELP! will appear next to your assignment.

The word HELP! is shown is for two reasons:

  1. Someone might not be synced with swgoh.gg who could fill the assignment instead.

  2. In rare cases, someone might be able to unlock the required star level for the required toon, but EchoBase won't know until that person's swgoh.gg profile is synced to show the new star level.

Each guild member is still responsible for filling their assignments, even if they set up an exclude squad, unless the guild decides otherwise. Seeing HELP! means that assignment is EchoBase's last resort, and the platoon will not get filled without it.

Last updated