See the registered status of the caller's guild with the hosting Discord server.
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See the registered status of the caller's guild with the hosting Discord server.
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This command is restricted to those with an Echo Role only.
Ally code is only required if you have registered multiple ally codes to your Discord account.
ally code
help guildstatus gs
You can use this command to get a formatted list of each guild member's status.
The guild's name is printed in the author line and the guild's banner icon appears in the top-right corner for easy guild identification in servers that have multiple registered guilds.
Each status is separated into its own embedded list. Members are displayed in this format, whenever possible: {allyCode}{gameName}{emojiForOfficerOrLeader}{@mention}{emojiForEchoRole}
First, an overview embed will list several items of general guild information, including GP counts, leader/officers, and which channels have been verified for EchoBase use.
Next, a green embed will list all, if any, of the guild members who are registered. These members should be able to receive a DM or a @mention from EchoBase, given the correct Discord settings and permissions.
Next, a grey embed will list all, if any, of the guild members who are currently being ignored by EchoBase, and how many days are remaining of their ignore status (if given).
Lastly, a red embed will list all, if any, of the guild members who are not registered. These members will receive assignments, but will not be able to receive a DM or a @mention from EchoBase until their Discord user accounts are registered.