
There is a post for assignments, but the assignments aren't showing up. Why?

Turn on this setting in Discord: User Settings > Text & Images > Link Preview

Why are my guild mates receiving @mentions or DMs but not me?

I changed my game name and now I don't get @mentions or DMs anymore. What's going on?

When you change your game name, there is a period of time where swgoh.gg will be out of sync and have a mixture of your new name and your old name, and that breaks the ability for EchoBase to match you reliably. Give it a day or two for their cache to update and it should start working again.

My guild has switched Discord servers, or I accidentally registered my guild in the wrong Discord server. Help!

After inviting EchoStation into the correct Discord server, you can use the eb.register command to tell EchoBase that your guild is in a different server. It will forget the old server.

You can do this as many times as you need.

Is EchoStation compatible with guild Alliances that share a single Discord server?

Absolutely! If any guild wants to register with EchoStation, even after it has been invited to your alliance server, they should use the eb.register command and they'll be good to go.

How do I add Discord info to my swgoh.gg profile?

If you are not using EchoStation, you will need to get your Discord ID. If you are, you can use your Discord ID or your Discord tag.

  • Log into swgoh.gg

  • Select [your username] > Settings & Sync

  • Underneath Community Settings, select Discord and enter your needed Discord info

How do I get my full Discord tag?

This is an easy one. It's the combination of your username + tag, which is found on your Discord profile.

Example: myname#1234

How do I get my Discord ID?

If you are using the EchoStation bot, simply use the command eb.id and copy the digits.

If you are not using EchoStation, follow these instructions:

  • Log into Discord

  • In User Settings > Appearance (or Behavior if using the Android app), turn on Developer Mode

  • Right-click or tap-and-hold your name, and select Copy ID

How do I invite the EchoStation bot to my Discord server?

If you are an admin of your server, use this link. Otherwise, give this link to an admin.


Why does the EchoStation bot look like it is offline?

A bot will appear offline in a Discord server when the server that is hosting the bot stops communicating with Discord, likely due to the server being down, or even crashed. There are a couple of possible reasons for this.

  • I might be in the middle of releasing an update. If this is the case, typically, you'll see EchoStation come back online within a minute or two. You can always check the public Discord server for release activity.

  • If I'm not releasing anything and the bot is offline, the server is down unexpectedly and I need to be notified so that I can bring it back online. Please log into the public Discord server and let me know what's going on.


Why is the Platoon Assigner submit button disabled?

In order to submit a phase for assignments, 100% of the platoon requirements must be filled out or ignored. Also, you must either choose a Discord channel or a webhook URL in your settings so that the assignments can be posted.

Can I upload screenshots to the platoon assigner that were taken from an emulator?

Yes. However, please be sure the screenshots follow the guidelines in this article. Basically, just make sure the screenshot is of the entire contents of the game screen - nothing more, nothing less. It is best to use your emulator to take the screenshot for you, rather than trying to measure your own screenshots (like when using the Windows Snipping Tool, for example).

Is there a mobile app version of EchoBase?

No, but.. sort of. Follow these steps in your mobile browser to create a real app feel!

  • iOS Safari

    • tap the Share icon at the bottom of the screen

    • select Add to Home Screen

  • Chrome for Android

    • tap the Menu button at the top of the screen

    • select Add to Home Screen

Last updated